About us

The National Taiwan University Smart Health Technology Rearch and Development Center has the following positioning and vision:


The positioning and vision of the center is to build an integrated platform and business model for industry-university cooperation, lead the forward-looking development of Taiwan's smart life technology and services, and bridge the research and development energy of academic and research institutions to industrial innovation applications, and provide key technologies and consumption in the industrial value chain. Solutions for two major gaps in the market.


On the one hand, it is the best practice to establish a knowledge service organization, and on the other hand, it promotes Taiwan to become an innovative settlement for the smart life technology and service industry in the Asia-Pacific region, further driving the overall economic development and improving the well-being of the people.


Strategies and market segments, goals. On the one hand, it is expected that the research results in this field will contribute to remote medical care, save the national medical funds investment, build Taiwan's medical service brand, and promote the development of related industries. Use this to find leading indicators, actionable action plans, and concrete effectiveness evaluations.